Greater Oklahoma Postal Customer Council
Executive Board
Seated from left: Margaret Vickers; Industry Co-Chair, Mike Allison;
Postmaster/Postal Co-chair, and Julie Gosdin; Oklahoma District Manager 2nd row from left: Christine George, Cindy Thompson, Angela McLaughlin,
Joe Vanlandingham, Mark Waugh, Rachelle Cooksey-Webster, and Sonya Dulan 3rd row from left: John Rohrer, LaDonna Siefers, Helen Cuthbertson, Benny Whaley,
Andy Wright, Roy Walker, Nelson Morgan, and Matt Whetstone
About us
GOPCC consists of USPS employees and representatives of the mailing industry. Membership is open to all Business mailers. This includes, but is not limited to commercial mailers, non-profit organizations, service bureaus, and other types of business enterprises that use the mail.
A postal customer council (PCC)
- Is a postal service sponsored organization
- Consist of business mailers and key Postal Service personnel
- Is governed by an executive board
- Are located within Postal Service districts
A brief history of the PCC
- First established in 1961 as local mail user council–Citizens’ Advisory Councils (CACs)
- CACs focused on improvising communications between postal customers and local postal managers
- Name changed to postal customer council and 1971 but a focus on education, networking, and addressing mailer issues and concerns
Who should join the PCC network?
- Printers/Mall service providers
- Advertising and Marketing agencies
- Colleges and Universities
- Government and State agencies
- Software Providers
- Fulfillment Companies
- Third party Logistics Providers
- Any business who ships packages
- Any business who emails Letters, Flats, Catalogs, Marketing Mail, First-class Mail, Periodicals, Newspapers, Etc.
And these are just to name a few!
Next Steps…
This is should be a prospective customer’s number one call to action, e.g., requesting a quote or perusing your product catalog.