Who Can Join the Greater Oklahoma Postal Customer Council?
GOPCC members represent churches, insurance providers, government agencies, commercial printers, envelope producers, construction companies, mailing and shipping manufacturers, presort houses, advertising agencies, banks, credit unions, newspapers, oil and gas companies, etc.
- Network with other mailers, business mail service providers, and USPS executives to discover new ways to make your mailings more efficient and profitable.
- Hear first-hand from other decision-makers on how they deal with the same challenges you face.
- Share information and exchange ideas about new and existing postal service products, programs and procedures that affect business mailers.
- Learn from postal experts about marketing through the mail.
- Find new sources for mailing lists, printing, database management, and more.
- Get discounts to major mailing industry events.
- Leverage best practices to improve mailing effectiveness, efficiency, and profitability.
- Gain knowledge about postal products, services, and tools to improve mail quality through workshops and events (Certificates of Participation available upon request).

No Donation Required
- Invitations to all PCC events, webinars, seminars and networking opportunities

$100 Donation
Associate level benefits plus the following:
- Voting Rights (not to exceed 5 voting members per organization)
- Unlimited representative participation in general meetings
- Eligibility to serve on committees, be an elected officer and/or a chairperson
- All bulletins, newsletters, etc.

$250 Donation
All Bronze level benefits plus the following:
- Recognition in one newsletter per year
- Recognized as a Silver level member on the Greater Oklahoma PCC website

$500 Donation
All Bronze and Silver level benefits plus the following:
- Recognition at all Greater Oklahoma PCC events during the year
- Recognition in all newsletters
- Gold level member listing on the Greater Oklahoma PCC Website
- A link on the Greater Oklahoma PCC Website to the company's website

$1,000 Donation
All Bronze, Silver, and Gold level benefits plus the following:
- Recognition as a Sponsor at the Go-PCC Vendor Expo and in all publication material
- Recognized at the Expo event

$1,500 Donation
All Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum level benefits plus the following:
- One free booth space at the GO-PCC Vendor Expo
- Sponsor one Golf Team consisting of 4 players for the GO-PCC Golf Tournament